What’s a piece of career advice that has shaped how you approach your role as a General Manager?
Being firm but fair. I’ve been fortunate enough to have previous mentors who have always preached to always lead with what expectations you have of your team and remain open minded when concerns aren’t necessarily black and white. To ensure that you remain goal oriented and express that to others while also understanding that we are all human and not everyone will be receptive or learn in the same way as others. People always make the
business churn and numbers will follow, not the other way around. Transparency is also another trait I value, often sharing with my staff our performance, customer praise, or improvements we can make.
What does a day in the life of a Sheltair GM look like, and how do you prioritize tasks to deliver exceptional service?
As a majority point of contact, each day is never routine, which is something I absolutely enjoy. I follow a chain of command approach with my immediate seniors internally to satisfy their expectations and with the goal of making their job easier and more effective as it directly correlates to the overall success of our network. When it comes to customers, I will prioritize by level of importance and deadline and filling in smaller tasks in between to keep the ball rolling. I also consider my staff my customers and do my absolute best to support them with what they need, either through my physical help, overall support, and any resources they may require. I constantly walk the campus to maintain a level of observation in case anything that is overlooked can be addressed as outward appearances to the customer can set an example and ensure I talk to people often while actively listening to pick up any underlying concerns or praise.
What do you believe sets Sheltair apart from competitors?
As a general manager, the ability to make decisions locally. Being a majority point-of-contact, the less red tape I have to go through to satisfy an inquiry or issue, the faster I can resolve it. Customers value businesses that can rectify or listen to their needs while being able to deliver an answer quickly and fairly.
How do you see the role of technology shaping the future of FBO services and operations at Sheltair?
When the correct software, equipment, and education of its use is running full-bore, it’s a magic wand for efficiency. Our aim in customer service is satisfaction, not always pricing, and when well understood technology and its implementation is done correctly, we can deliver services safely and promptly better than we have before.
Sheltair places a strong emphasis on being family-owned and community-focused. How do you incorporate these values into your leadership style and the customer experience?
Sheltair BJC is run by the staff, not me individually. Although my title may come with increased responsibilities, my service is to the employees that run this business and my goal is manage a team that is well educated and
accountable while delivering a high-level capacity of customer service, something that I cannot do alone. I’ve always held this mentality in any role I’ve possessed, which is in-line with our company’s mission statement. We
extend this approach with the public as Sheltair BJC is extremely active with the local community by hosting concerts, educational seminars, animal rescue events, charitable events, and even hosting simple gatherings for them airport with the aim to bind us together.
If you could offer one behind-the-scenes insight about managing an FBO that customers wouldn’t typically know, what would it be?
Organization, education, and cleanliness. Auguste Escoffier is often credited with formalizing and popularizing the phrase Mise en Place, or, “Everything in its place.” Having a staff that is well educated about our business and
everything it encompasses develops independent and accountable people while staying organized and clean allows for prompt services, efficient workflow processes, increased positive appearances and magnifies safety.
What motivates you to continually raise the bar for Sheltair’s services, and what do you hope customers take away from their experiences?
Making everyone’s life a bit easier and more comfortable. From customers who travel for leisure, routine travelers for business, and to the employees who show up every day working hard. If I help them be a bit more comfortable throughout the day and find it easy to come here, I’ve done a good job, they’ve chosen us over others.